Jewel Pet Wiki

I have a doubt about Luea's name . According of the name mean Blue Apatite ( b LUE -A patite ) i don't know if is a offical Sanrio information or just coincidence , a unofficial adaptation for Rua (Lua) to  english translaters. My doubt is about the names of  the Jewelpet bunnies that have a coincendence link (except Ruby ). The Japanese Folcklore say the rabbits live in the Moon when they make delicious candy called Mochi , currently always are linked to the moon . Luna mean moon in latin , and in Jewelpet Kiradeco Luna is a princess that live in moon together with others rabbits including Avenue another rabbit from Jewelland . Io had him name based in another moon , Jupter's moon "Io", and in Jewelpet Happiness (spoiler)  Ruby was working in the moon before it turn  a bad moon . Returning  to Luea , her name in Japanese (ルーア) Romanji Rūa without adapt and the letter "e" , Lua that mean in portuguese  "Moon" including phonetically  , is just another coincidence or purpose official , remember Jewelpet never was offically broadcast in america or England no games and toys too ,  the names adapted can be not offcial by Sanrio after all , like Kaito to Chite . ( It is just a doubt and a curiosity by my own )
